Your Healing Art

Science and art are now one. Intention Imprinted Art® is the culmination of a decade of research and experimentation in the art of healing. The result is astounding: art that heals. I've developed a proprietary protocol used in the creation of the Intention Imprinted Art® (IIA) that causes these paintings to condition the space in which they are displayed with a specific healing outcome for a specific individual, or an intention to condition a public space for a specific outcome. These paintings can change or enhance a physical outcome by simply being displayed as art within a client’s space. That space then becomes conditioned to produce the desired intention/effect. It’s a very exciting innovation for profoundly powerful healing. Our Intention Imprinted Art® is now available by commission. This protocol builds upon the groundbreaking science of Dr. William Tiller. We have integrated the principles of his research with art and a dozen years of practical, hands-on experience helping thousands of clients worldwide. Dr. Tiller confirmed the validity of our unique approach to healing and endorsed our efforts to promote healing via IIA conditioned space. Click on Dr. Tiller’s website ( ) for a more detailed explanation of his research in the White Papers section and to purchase his books.